Cosmetic dental services improve the aesthetic qualities of your smile. It does not necessarily address any general dentistry problems, but creates the smile appearance that you have always wanted.

Dr. Chélise Kasun or Dr. Furey Higgins will listen carefully to your concerns and take the time to individualize your options to meet your specific needs. At Artisan dental, we strive to provide each of our patients with a smile that makes them happy and confident, and will present the treatment options best suited to your expectations.




Tooth Whitening Options

At Artisan Dental, we offer both in-office and take-home tooth whitening options. What is best for your smile can be determined during your consultation.

In-office Whitening:

For in-office whitening, we will carefully apply a professional strength bleaching solution to your teeth, taking great care to avoid your gums and sensitive oral tissue. The solution is activated with a special light, allowing it to lighten your teeth. We will supply you with a take-home kit after this treatment to enhance or help maintain results.

Take-home Kits:

Our take-home kits have three distinct advantages over those purchased at a store:

  • They come with a customized application tray.

  • The bleaching solution is more powerful.

  • Your treatment is overseen by an experienced dentist.

The customized application tray is essential for consistent whitening of all of your teeth. It also helps keep bleaching solution off of your gums, which may reduce your chances of tooth sensitivity. 

Dental Bonding

Direct Dental Bonding

Direct dental bonding is a conservative treatment offered for minimal cosmetic changes. Dental bonding requires only one visit and is often a very cost effective solution to making changes to smiles. Dental bonding can be used to address issues with teeth that are:

  • unevenly spaced

  • irregularly sized or shaped

  • chipped or cracked

To prepare your teeth for dental bonding, Dr. Kasun or Dr. Higgins will first need to gently roughen their surface and apply a conditioning liquid. These steps help ensure your bonding adheres to your teeth. Once your teeth have been prepared, Dr. Kasun or Dr. Higgins will apply the bonding resin, shaping it to fit seamlessly into your smile. The resin is then light cured.

More than one layer of dental bonding may need to be applied. After the final layer has been applied, Dr. Kasun or Dr. Higgins will sculpt and polish it to ensure a completely natural look. The resin used in dental bonding is color matched to adjacent teeth, further assisting in a natural-looking, cosmetically improved smile.

Porcelain Veneers or Crowns (Indirect Bonding)

Porcelain veneers or crowns involves a two-step process in which a dental lab fabricates the porcelain veneers or crowns and then the dentist bonds them to your teeth.  The shape, colour and surface texture are customized for you and your smile. We will often begin with a mock-up prior to beginning the treatment, allowing you to ‘test drive’ your new smile before it becomes permanent.

Porcelain veneers and crowns can address the same cosmetic concerns as direct dental bonding but are often stronger and longer lasting.  And because of the process and materials, porcelain veneers and crowns can also correct more complex cosmetic concerns.  These include:

  • unevenly spaced teeth

  • irregularly sized or shaped teeth

  • chipped or cracked teeth

  • uneven colour

  • dark teeth

  • tetracycline stains

  • worn down teeth



Invisalign®/Cosmetic Orthodontics

If you are happy with the overall shape of your teeth but are unhappy with some crowding, rotations and/or spaces, Invisalign® or cosmetic orthodontics is a fantastic minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry procedure offered by both Dr. Chélise Kasun and Dr. Furey Higgins.  

Invisalign® is an orthodontic treatment that is highly popular with adults and older teens. Unlike braces which require visible metal wires and brackets, Invisalign® uses a series of clear plastic aligners to gently move your teeth into their ideal position.

If Dr. Kasun or Dr. Higgins determines Invisalign® can meet your needs, they will customize your treatment plan with the iTero digital impression system. iTero takes a digital scan of your teeth and bite, allowing Dr. Kasun or Dr. Higgins to provide Invisalign with the most accurate view of your malocclusion. This process is often more comfortable than traditional, goopy impressions, and may help ensure your aligners are best suited to address your specific concerns.

Click here to learn more about Invisalign.